Provinces Receive Capacity Analysis Training

A workshop on Capacity Development Needs Assessment (CDNA) for Provincial Governments has started in Honiara Solomon Islands today, at the Heritage Park Hotel.

The Workshop organized by the Ministry of Provincial Governments and Institutional Strengthening (MPGIS) through its Provincial Governance Strengthening Programme (PGSP) starts from Monday 22 August to Friday 26 August 2011.

The CDNA will be piloted in Malaita, Western, Isabel and Guadalcanal provinces. The CDNA will assess the capacity gaps within the PGs in delivering services to the communities within their mandate.

The purpose of the CDNA is to provide MPGIS and Provincial Governments with baseline information of their existing capacity at individual, organizational and environmental levels.

This baseline is the starting point for the MPGIS and the PGs towards developing their long-term capacity development strategy.

The workshop will gather participants from line ministries (Health, Education and Environment), Provincial Governments and IPAM under the facilitation of experts from UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre Office in Bangkok.

Source: Press Release, Governmnet Communications Unit