The 2013 Premiers Conference has ended successfully with a Six-Point Resolution contained in the Gizo Communiqué signed on Saturday.
The Resolutions will be put forward to the National Government for consideration and action within a timeframe of two years before the next Premier’s meeting in 2015.
The Six Resolutions included:
To institutionalize and seek an increase of the Provincial Capital Development Fund.
To facilitate the Human Resource needs of Provincial Governments.
To provide Machinery and Equipment to the Works Departments of Provincial Government and the Honiara City.
To align the Provincial and Honiara City Election with National Elections.
To place restrictions on the Selling of Government Land.
Agency Agreements.
Premiers from all nine Provinces including the Honiara City Mayor took part in the conference from June 17th – 21st in the Western Provincial Capital, Gizo.
Key speakers on the theme “Resourcing Provincial Government to develop Vibrant Local Economies” were Permanent Secretaries from various Government Ministries and other invited speakers.
During the conference, the Premiers considered a Conceptual Framework produced by the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening and shared their views on the way forward for strengthening Provincial Governments.
At the Official Closing program in Munda on Saturday, Minister for Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening Hon. Silas Tausinga acknowledged the Premiers and government officials for what he described as a “fruitful conference”.
He pledged the National Government’s commitment to ensure resources are distributed fairly to help boost development in the Provinces.
Guadalcanal and the Honiara City Council have won the bid to host the next Premiers Conference in 2015 after it was agreed the event will be held every two years.
Press Release, GCU