Premier Irosaea Pushes for Development on Malaita

Malaita Premier Richard Irosaea Na'amo is encouraging landowners in the province to open up land for development projects.

Speaking during site visits by the Minister of Commerce Francis Billy Hilly to Bina Harbour in West Kwaio and Suava Bay in North Malaita last week, Premier Irosaea said the existence of the Bina Harbour and Suava Bay projects will add value to the land in those areas.

The National Government is determined to build an international sea port at Bina Harbour and a commercial township at Suava Bay starting this year. Mr Irosaea said developing the two projects will attract several other business opportunities that local people can participate in.

He said the provincial government fully supported the national government's policy towards the two major projects saying Malaitans now want to see action. "We've heard these two projects for so long and today we want to see action," he said.

On the issue of disputes, Mr Irosaea appealed to Landowners in Bina and Suava Bay to avoid media debates to express grievances but settle their differences amongst themselves.

He encouraged landowners to grasp the opportunity especially when the Coalition for National Unity and Rural Advancement (CNURA) government is keen to develop the projects.

"I Appeal to all our good people to solve our concerns on the ground level with our brothers and sisters through consultation instead of using the media which maybe perceived by other people as negative and may affect the development of the projects" he said.

Minister Hilly led a high level government delegation including top officials from the Solomon Islands Ports Authority to the province to visit the sites and to consult with project stakeholders including landowning tribes. He assured parties involved of the government's seriousness and strong financial commitment to implement the projects.

Leaders of landowning groups expressed strong support saying they would like to see the projects start as soon as possible.