Power Cuts Enrages Business Houses

The power failure experienced in Honiara today has angered many business houses in the capital city.

The power cut lasted for about four hours affecting most business houses in Honiara, including several residential areas.

"I am really upset with the Electricity Authority...I called them up to check how long the power failure would go for and they said they do not know," said Mr. Cheng, a shop owner in Honiara. "I have frozen food in the fridge that is now damaged."

Calls placed to the Management of the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA) seeking answers were not successful. However, one officer spoken to state that one of the main generators was having problems. "They are working on it...I am not sure how long it will take," stated the officer.

"I have lost a lot of money from these power cuts...and the frustrating thing is I cannot claim damages from SIEA," stated Garvin, an internet café operator in Honiara. "All the talk about foreign investments coming in is really pointless if we can't get the basics right."