The Premier's Conference in Lata was cut short on its first day after obscene pictures began appearing on the screen during a Power Point Presentation.
The laptop used was said to have been owned by the Permanent Secretary of the Provincial Government, Fred Ganate, who also chairs the Premier's Conference.Described as disgraceful, the chairperson who was also apparently shocked, apologized to the leaders and then volunteered to step down as chairperson of the conference. He was later suspended from chairing by Prime Minister, Derek Sikua, who was also present at the meeting.
According to sources, the Permanent Secretary revealed that the laptop was his however, the flash drive used for the Power Point Presentation was not his.
The Lata police are now investigating the matter after removing the flash drive.
The Power Point Presentation by Fred Ganate before the incident was on the last Permier's Conference held at Lake Tengano in Rennell.