Police to Enforce Family Violence Policy

The Community Policing Department of the Solomon Islands Police Force will enforce a family violence policy, which is divided into two chapters.

Chapter 1 outlines procedures, practices and guidelines for the Solomon Islands police force for dealing with family violence in the community.

"Family Violence and Police Families" in Chapter 2 outlines procedures, practices and guidelines for dealing with family violence incidents involving SIPF members.

Speaking to Solomon Times, the Coordinator Morris Temangutaua said that the policy is there but implementation stage is still under way.

The policy is being created under New Zealand funding to help Pacific island nations know how to target domestic violence.

Mr. Temangutaua said that as long as the best approach is done by police officers, there might be some changes with regards to domestic violence.

He added that if there were changes in the police force, there would also be a change in the communities.

When asked if there are a lot of cases on domestic violence being reported, Mr. Temangutaua said that to his understanding, police still has no proper statistic report on domestic violence.

"But once the objective of the policy is reached, then maybe people in the communities will understand and there will be more reported cases of domestic violence, and maybe domestic violence will then be reduced," Mr. Temangutaua said.

Solomon Times was informed, "the dream is there but the action plan is yet to be achieved."