Honiara City Police Detectives are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of a 28 year old man from Guadalcanal at the Central Market around 4:00pm last Saturday.
It was reported to police that the deceased was trying to break up a fight between two men when he was allegedly stabbed on the back with a sharp instrument.The 28 year old was taken to the National Referral Hospital for medical attention but later died.
In a separate incident, also at the Central Markets, police arrested an 18 year old boy after he reportedly stabbed a man on the head with a kitchen knife.
The incident occurred around 2:00pm on Saturday afternoon approximately two hours prior to the fatal stabbing.
The victim luckily escaped from his attacker and was taken to the National Referral Hospital where he was treated for his injuries.
Police are investigating both incidents and are urging members of the public who may have witnessed the incident or have any information in relation to the incident to come forward and assist the police.
Press Release (Police Media Unit)