Police Investigate Death Near Naro Village

Police are making enquiries into the circumstances surrounding the death of a 38- year-old man found on Saturday morning over the weekend.

The body of the deceased was discovered near Naro and Lavuro main road, West of Guadalcanal around 11pm by a motorist. The victim had several serious injuries including knife wounds.

The Police Forensic Officers attended the scene and later transported the deceased from Komabulu village to the National Referral Hospital for a post-mortem.

Police are seeking assistance from members of the public around Naro village and Komabulu village, who may have noticed anyone behaving suspiciously late that night along the Lavuro main road.

Investigators are attempting to track the victim's movements after he was reported to leave Naro village by foot around 9:30pm to meet his family in Komabulu village.

The post-mortem is being conducted today before the man's body is released to the family for burial.

Anyone with information related to the victim, can contact Police on Ph: 30138 or 23304.

Police will continue its investigation over the matter.

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