PM Lilo Seeks to Revive Coconut Industry

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo says the NCRA government pledges its support to revive the coconut industry.

Speaking during the 48th Asian and Pacific Coconut Community Ministerial meeting in Honiara, Mr Lilo said that the replanting of coconuts "must be seriously addressed."

He said this will be in line with the national coconut strategy and as Prime Minister he will ensure that the coconut industry in Solomon Islands is "given top priority in government funding support."

"The importance of the coconut industry is quite evident if one looks at the Central Bank foreign receipt records which indicated that amongst all export of agricultural products during the ethnic crisis period, only copra and cocoa exports did not come to a complete stop," said Prime Minister Lilo.

"Coconut and cocoa are and integral part of our rural people's livelihood, we must create the right environment for them to continuously benefit from this important resource."

The 48th Asian and Pacific Coconut Community Ministerial meeting will end this Friday.