PM Launches Land Conference in Munda

Mr. Lilo said land resource is no longer seen by many as a source of happiness, progress and prosperity, "it is now the source of pains, sufferings, loneliness and frustrations."Photo Supplied

A two-day Customary Land Tenure Reform Conference is underway in Munda, western Province this week.

More than 50 tribal chiefs, leaders and women representatives from Marovo to Roviana Lagoon gathered in Munda to attend the conference which was opened by Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo today.

The conference is part of a series of a nation-wide land reform conference aimed at informing tribal leaders and landowning groups throughout the country of the National Government' s land reform policy.

In his opening address Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo told conference delegates that the country is facing serious problems attracting more investors as a result of land disputes.

He said continuous disputes over ownership and traditional boundaries have limited the development potentials of the country.

Mr. Lilo said land resource is no longer seen by many as a source of happiness, progress and prosperity, "it is now the source of pains, sufferings, loneliness and frustrations."

He said instead of it becoming the nation's springboard for wealth generation and progress, it is now the cause of misery and poverty.

With the ongoing land disputes throughout the country, Mr. Lilo says the NCRA Government is taking a proactive approach to address this long standing issue.