PM Defends 11% Pay Rise

The Prime Minister has defended the government against criticisms in the media which were linked to the recent pay increases to members of Parliament in the 2010 Parliamentary Entitlements Regulation.

Dr Derek Sikua says the criticisms were "unfair and reflects poor research and investigative journalism on the part of the media."

He says the C-NURA government did not make any submissions to the Parliamentary Entitlements Commission for pay increases.

Dr Sikua however says the last pay increase to MP's was made in 2006.

He says public servants on the other hand received pay increases in 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010 - totaling to about 29 percent pay increase since 2006.

Dr Sikua says the latest pay increase to MP's as per the 2010 PER was granted - taking into account the pay increases given to public servants over the last few years.

Meanwhile, the Solomon Islands Council of Trade Union says the Parliament Entitlements Commission has in fact given more than 11% salary increase to members of parliament.

SICTU national secretary, Tony Kagovai, says SICTU believes the award is wrong and says that he has consulted the wider SICTU membership for an appropriate response.