Plans to Review Provincial Government Act Begin

The Minister of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening (PGIS) has announced the intentions to review the Provincial Government Act.

Minister Walter Folotalu made the announcement Monday this week at the start
of a weeklong intensive workshop for five Provincial Speakers and Clerks in

The Workshop engages Speakers and Clerks of the Provincial Assemblies of
Rennell & Bellona, Temotu, Isabel, Central Islands and Guadalcanal Provincial

Minister Folotalu said the Provincial Government Act was last updated in 1997
and seems to be overtaken by events.

"The Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening is
intending to carry out a review of the Provincial Government Act. This process
shall involve a lot of consultations with the Provincial Authorities and National
Parliament for expertise advice and support," Hon. Folotalu said.

Ministerial Officials will advise on a suitable date for the review.

On the Provincial Assemblies, Minister Folotalu said there is also a need for
modernization to go beyond the Provincial Government Standing Orders.

The attachment workshop is aimed at improving the understanding of the way
businesses are conducted in the Provincial Assemblies.

"This is not only vital in sustaining our very democratic institutions but also
essential for its modernization process," Hon. Folotalu said.

The Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening is fully
aware of some of the challenges that the Provincial Assemblies face and the
workshop will help officials find solutions to address those challenges.

The Ministry through its PGSP project has made sufficient provisions for
continuous capacity building of Provincial Government elected members and
their administrations until 2013.

For elected executive members, the capacity building initiative is designed not
only to formulate policies but also to oversee the implementation of local
development policies and programs.

Source: Press Release; Government Communication Unit