The Solomon Islands Government announced another important step in its ongoing program for improvements in the Public Service.
The Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Public Service, Mr Ishmael Avui, said the planned consultations with government ministries are critical.During the process, responsible officers from respective ministries shall be able to discuss with a team from the Public Service on issues that are obstacles to effective service delivery.
The parties shall also identify some of the contributing factors to issues that have been identified by the Ministry of Public Service as major concerns.
"The Ministry of Public Service and other Government Ministries need to continue dialogue on issues affecting their mandatory functions and provide a workable strategic framework. This will enable the Public Service to improve the livelihood of Solomon Islanders as mandated in Government Policies," Mr Avui said.
There is substantial evidence to demand MPS and Government Ministries' to devise workable strategic frameworks to address issues confronting the Public Service.
Government Ministries' are seeking approval from MPS to create new positions, while they have yet to fill in existing vacant positions.
There are also other issues relating to service delivery and unethical behavior of public servants.
For this task to be implemented effectively, the Strategic Policy, Research and Reforms Division has been assigned a team leader, Mr David Suirara, Chief Administration Officer, Organizational Development (Supervising), to coordinate the exercise starting on 4 May 2009 and onward.
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