Petitions will take time: Electoral Office

The Solomon Islands chief electoral officer says it's unlikely the petitions against the recent election results in the High Court will be heard before the end of the year.

Polycarp Haununu says just one day before the deadline for complaints, four petitions have been lodged.

Mr Haununu says three of those are against sitting MPs for bribery, while the other is against the workers at a polling station, for giving out material which could influence voters.

He says the High Court will start a looking at the details and evidence of the petitions following tomorrow's cut-off.

"These petitions will be compiled and looked at by the court, and the court will decide if they're going to hear the cases, then decide on a date to hear the petitions."

Polycarp Haununu says that will take some time, and the petitioners will be lucky to have their cases heard before next year.