Pacific Partnership Combat Invasive Species

Press Release - The Pacific region is home to more endemic species than anywhere in the world, all of which is potentially under threat from invasive species. The region is working together with partners to protect Pacific biodiversity from this risk.

During the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Kiribati took the floor on behalf of the Pacific island parties to stress the importance of partnerships.

"Considerable progress has been made through regional partnerships in addressing invasive species at island and community levels," stated Ms. Ratita Bebe of Kiribati during the Pacific statement.
"Madam Chair, these partnership initiatives came about because of the challenges that we face spread across a large ocean region with limited capacity and resources."`

The strength of partnerships in addressing invasive species is a success story for which the Pacific island parties are showcasing and willing to share lessons learnt with other global regions.

"We wanted to highlight to the rest of the world the great initiatives undertaken by the region, having regional and international organisations working together well coordinated so that everyone is aware of what is happening and there is no duplication of effort or waste of resources," said Dr Posa Skelton, the Pacific Invasives Learning Network Coordinator

Dr Skelton has been working with the Pacific island parties, providing technical advice and support at the CBD COP 10

One of the agenda items on the table at the CBD COP 10 is the "Aichi-Nagoya Statement" which is to provide an international plan that will help stem the loss of biodiversity, taking into account the lessons learnt from the 2010 Biodiversity target.

The Nagoya biodiversity negotiations have provided the Pacific island parties with the opportunity to remind the world that island countries are vulnerable to both marine and land based invasive species. Further to this Climate change and invasive species together is a deadly duo to Pacific biodiversity, which must be addressed at all levels.

"The Pacific Island Parties urge Governments and partners to address Invasive Alien Species as a significant driver of biodiversity loss in the CBD Strategic Plan and post-2010 targets, and to allocate adequate and timely funding to prevent, control and manage Invasive Alien Species," read Ms. Bebe in making the Pacific statement on Invasive Species.

"Needless to say, Climate Change and Invasive Species are the Deadly Duo to biodiversity and must be addressed at all levels and in particular regional and inter-regional collaborations. Management of both threats is also critical for successful implementation of the CBD's island biodiversity program of work."