Our Telekom will launch its Breeze GSM Mobile Service in Afio, South Malaita on the 12th and 13th March 2009.
To mark this occasion, Our Telekom will offer special sales on mobile handsets, SIM cards and other accessories such as solar chargers at Afio Station.Work on mobile installation at the Afio IP-GSM site was carried out by a team of Telekom engineers and was successfully completed on the 31st January 2008.
The mobile coverage tests done by the engineers produced satisfactory results with good reception for Afio Sub-station, Maka Station, Matangasi, Oriore, Paipai - Loanini, Et - Urahu, Su'uniala, Itamu, Sarahwasi, Haupoa, Saworakau, Waihututu, Parasi and Rokera Point.
According to Our Telekom - Manager Malaita Region this development has brought great relief for Afio and its neighbouring communities in terms of communication and the people are very appreciative of the service.
Our Telekom will continue to roll out its mobile services into the rural areas this year with its expansion plans for the service. The next site to launch is Kia in Isabel Province and Tinggoa in RENBEL province. Currently, the service is turned on for testing purposes for the two sites.
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