Loyley Ngira from Marovo in the Western Province has made history by becoming the first Solomon Islander ever to become CEO of the country's premier and only Telecommunications Company.
Martyn Robinson, the former CEO quietly slipped out of the country on the 24th of August after Seventeen (17) years and the new CEO took over effective from the next day, 25th August 2008.Mr. Ngira said that while he would not comment on the issue immediately, the company would put out a press statement at some later stage on the matter.
The NPF Chairman and General Manager of the Earthmovers Group of companies, Austen Holmes also would not comment on the appointment.
The NPF is the majority shareholder in Our Telekom while Cable and Wireless and the Investment Corporation of Solomon Islands (ICSI) which holds shares on behalf of the Government, are minority shareholders.
Robinson's unceremonial departure as CEO of Our Telekom after seventeen (17) years in the job came after a strike by local Telekom workers in June in support of their demand for Robinson's immediate removal. Following the involvement of the Trade Disputes Panel, the NPF, and the Government the dispute was eventually resolved.
Following the two week strike during which the local workers stood together, the company and its shareholders; the NPF which is the majority shareholder, Cable and Wireless and ICSI met and directed the termination of Robinson's contract on a three months notice.
The local workers accused their former CEO of discriminatory practices and later on; for paying himself more than half a million tax free bonus payment in an off shore transaction and before the company's AGM contrary to the company policy governing bonus payment.
The company nor the NPF would explain why Robinson departed before the end of the three months notice on the 1st of October 2008.