Our Telekom Extends GSM Base Stations

Our Telekom is pleased to announce that construction work has commenced for a new GSM Base Station at White River.

The station is located on a high site above White River. JF Constructors have already put up a security house and are now doing the foundation work for a 30 meter tower. The tower will house GSM antennas for the Breeze Mobile service.

With the completion of the new site, customers around White-river and surrounding areas would be able to get improved Breeze Mobile Coverage. Moreover, improve coverage for Honiara customers.

As part of Our Telekom ongoing developments to improve the Breeze mobile services, additional sites in Honiara for GSM stations has been identified and soon to install a 30 meter tower at a high site above SDA (Kukum), followed by a high site at SICHE (Kukum Campus).

These installations are expected to be complete by 2009 which will greatly improve the current call congestion problems faced by our Breeze mobile customers in Honiara.

Press Release (Our Telekom)