Our Telekom Committed to Rural Expansion with Roll out Plan

This year Our Telekom will roll out 30 IPGSM base stations for mobile services in various locations throughout the country.islandsbusiness.com

Our Telekom remains committed on its plan of expanding its Community IP-GSM based rural communication network roll out to the rural areas this year.

Our Telekom had already started implementing the roll out plan with Seghe, Kia and Afio becoming operational early this year.

This year Our Telekom will roll out 30 IPGSM base stations for mobile services in various locations throughout the country. The mobile stations will be located in Batuna, Mahoro, Duvaha, Biula, Tua (Shortlands), other sites in Vella to be identified for Western Province, while Sasamunga, Panggoe and Wagina for Choiseul Province.

In Malaita Province, mobile station sites that have been confirmed are in Adaua, Rohinari, Fulitafe and Atori, while other sites are in due process of being confirmed. Malu'u will soon have mobile services as work is currently progressing well with Atoifi to follow.

Identified sites in Isabel Province are Hageulu, Tatamba, Garufate and Tasia, while Makira Ulawa Province, Namunga, Ulawa and other sites to confirm shortly.

In Guadalcanal Province, Marau, Mbiti and Avuavu, while in Temotu Province, Balipa in Reefs and Vanikoro will also be installed with mobile base stations.

The implementation phase is tentatively scheduled for May 2009 with all 30 sites expected to be operational by the end of this year.

Meanwhile, contractors for civil works on all these sites will be identified and contract will be awarded through a public tender process.

Technical installation and commissioning of all these sites will be done internally by Telekom Engineers.

Financing of this GSM rural expansion project by Our Telekom is solely at its own cost, but a lot more can be done provided there is support and assistance from the government or donor partners.

Our Telekom with this cutting edge IP-GSM satellite based technology anticipates in providing the stimulus and assistance in terms of development in our rural areas and communities.

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