Opposition Using "Unconventional Means" to Oust Government: Fono

Solomon Islands government accused the Parliamentary Opposition of using "unconventional means to oust the government".

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Rural Development, Fred Fono, made the accusation in a press conference held in Honiara yesterday.

It was claimed that the Opposition leader has written to former combatants to support him in a motion of no confidence now before Parliament.

Mr. Fono claimed to have had a meeting Sunday with former combatants of which the contents of their discussions [with the Opposition leader] were relayed to him.

"The Opposition Leader is trying to use these young men for his own political ends while on the other hand, negative consequences could be the result," the Deputy Prime Minister Fono said.

"I am asking my good people, especially the young blokes that he is using for his own ends to refrain from collaborating with him to oust this current government. I am strongly asking them to refrain from any political lobbying or any threats to members of Parliament, especially those on the government side to get his support for this vote of no confidence in this current meeting of Parliament."

Mr. Fono told the press conference that these lobbying have always gone with threats.

The press conference heard that Prime Minister Dr. Derek Sikua who has been informed of the development will brief the National Security Council and the Police Commissioner.

Mr. Fono said the government is intact with more than 36 supporters and that a Memorandum of Understanding was signed Sunday to back Dr. Sikua as the Prime Minister.