Opposition Questions Funding for Indonesian Trip

Solomon Islands Opposition Leader Dr. Derek Sikua has accused the Prime Minister of lying about the funding source for his trip to Indonesia.

Opposition Leaders said the statement issued by Gordon Darcy Lilo from Jakarta declaring that the trip was fully funded by the Indonesian Government was false and misleading.

Dr Sikua said his office has information from the Finance Ministry that confirm that the Government subsidized the airfares and per diem for the Prime Minister and his 13-member delegation - including his spouse.

He said the Prime Minister decided to lie because leading such a delegation on an overseas trip when the government is facing difficulty in fulfilling its financial obligations to teachers, its sponsored students at overseas tertiary institutions and so forth would draw much public criticism.

The Opposition Leader said it is clear from the membership of the delegation that the Prime Minister is more concerned about advancing the selfish political interests of the NCRA Government than serving the nation.

He also expressed surprise at the inclusion of certain MPs who he described as 'almost inert' in fulfilling their legislative roles in parliament.

He said the excessive overseas travel is a clear deviation from the Darcy Lilo-led NCRA Government's cost-cutting policy.

The Opposition Leader said he will take to task the Prime Minister for this trip and other trips when Parliament resumes next month. 


Source: http://www.islandsbusiness.com/