Online Site to Help Produce Quality Public Servants: Tozaka

Solomon Islands government celebrates a milestone as the Ministry of Public Service launch a website in Honiara.

In addressing the official launch, Minister for Public Service, Hon. Milner Tozaka, stated that the online link will elevate the training delivery within the public sector through the use of in-country technology.

Mr. Tozaka said the initiative will bring benefits to the public service and the country.

Among the benefits this service is expected to deliver are: greater enhancement of training work, reduction of costs like printing and binding, professionals within public service to develop community challenges to enhance sharing.

Minister Tozaka acknowledged project advisor, Dr. Pak Yoong, for being instrumental in developing the program.

The project was made possible through joint COMSEC and NZAid funds.

The Solomon Islands Public Service Online Community is linked to the Pacific Village Portal which consists of several communities of public sector professionals based in the Pacific region and which aims at sharing and practising related experiences, knowledge and resources that are relevant to improving public service governance in the region.

The Solomon Islands Online Community currently consists of Public Service Trainers and Human Resources Managers of the Solomon Islands Government. It has been designed to promote the sharing of resources, knowledge and best practices among community members to empower the potentials of their human resources.It connects all human resource managers and training professionals working in the Solomon Islands public sector organisations.

The site is expected to encourage the formation of online discussion groups on topics and issues relevant to members and on government's topics of interest.

When fully developed, it is expected to have three sites including IPAM Trainers Site (IPAM@sb_TraiNet), Human Resources Managers site (HR_Solomone) and Solomon Islands Public Service Induction Course - for the mass public service.

Minister Tozaka said that the new initiative is a distinctive avenue that will help produce quality public service with higher standard of professionalism.