Officials Asses Damages in South Malaita

The recent bad weather is associated with a depression close to the Solomon Islands.Photo Supplied

The National Disaster Council (NDC) and the Police have deployed two patrol boats to South Malaita and Longgu on Guadalcanal to carry out assessments of damages caused by the recent bad weather.

One patrol boat yesterday travelled to Auki to pick members of the Malaita Province Disaster Committee then proceed to south Malaita.

The other boat travelled to Totongo and Rere with members of the National Disaster Management Office, Solomon Islands Red Cross and Guadalcanal Province Disaster Office.

A statement from the NDC said Malaita Disaster office reported that 210 houses at Bulu and surrounding communities in south Malaita were damaged by strong winds while others reported losing food gardens.

The Malaita report also stated that one house on Fanalei collapsed and two people were badly injured. Both are said to be receiving treatment at Tawaro, a nearby clinic.

The statement also said reports from Totongo and Rere indicated damage to houses and food gardens.

It said that the assessments are expected to finish within the next two to three days.

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