Officers to Crack Down on Betel Nut Vendors

Betel-nut sellers are once more under scrutiny as officers take on the street to stop illegal vendors selling in public.

"The Royal Solomon Islands Police (RSIP) in joint operation with the Law Enforcement Division are working together to try and stop illegal betel-nut sellers on the streets," the Honiara City Council's Law Enforcement Division Sergeant Matthew Mark told Solomon Times.

Sgt. Mark said that the operation started Monday from King George to White River and street sellers who don't have any license will be charged on the spot.

He said one major reason for cracking down on illegal vendors on the streets is to curb the "unclean sight of our town".

"This operation will only stop when we see less number of illegal vendors around the city," he added.

Sgt. Mark revealed that the operation had been ongoing for the past 10 years "but our people never listen because even after being charged, they continue as soon as they are released".

He said the legal spots to sell betel nuts are Kukum and White River markets, or at private premises.

"While we understand that people need money for survival, they also need to understand that it is the law they are breaking and they need to obey the rules."