The Government's plan to subsidize shipping services to non economical routes will start at the end of September.
This was revealed by the Minister for Infrastructure Stanley Sofu, while being questioned on the government's plan to subsidize uneconomical routes.Hon. Sofu said that the Government has put out a tender for those routes for the private shipping ship owners interested.
According to Hon. Sofu, the Ministry are still looking into the applications for the routes and identification is yet to be done for those interested in running the routes.
He said that after his department finalizes which ships would service the non economical routes then they would inform the public and explain to them how the system will work.
He revealed that the Government has approved the plan for the ships to service these uneconomical routes twice a month.
The non-economical routes are Temotu, Rennel and Bellona, Guadalcanal on Weather coast, Shortland Islands, Malaita outer Islands and remote parts of Makira.
These Islands are also finding difficulty to access basic services as that of health and educational fascilities along with some basic food necesities.
Mr. Elliot Cortez, Director of Marine describes the plan as a milestone to the nation because many Provincial farmers would be able to transport their products for sale in Honiara and it is a great opportunity.