NOCSI Called to Resolve Theft Issues

The National Olympic Solomon Islands (NOCSI) is facing possible suspension from the Oceania National Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee should the outstanding theft of NOCSI office items at Multi-purpose Hall remain unsolved.

The Oceania National Olympic Committee, ONOC had spent over a million dollars to renovate the Multi-Purpose Hall and to furnish NOCSI offices with office furniture, air conditioning, computers, laptops, printers, and other equipment.

NOCSI had however failed to meet its rental obligations to the Honiara City Council and the Council evicted NOCSI from the Multi-Purpose Hall in 2008.

It is alleged that the thefts of all of NOCSI's office furniture and computer equipment had been stolen when it was under the Honiara City Council that year.

NOCSI President, Fred Maetoloa also explains the NOCSI officials were out of the country when their offices were ransacked.

Meanwhile, police investigations into the theft has reached a standstill after two and a half years of investigations - and the Oceania National Olympic Committee are not pleased with the non-results.

NOCSI President Fred Maetoloa says it is serious issue for the sporting family in Solomon Islands and a suspension could also have serious implications to the sporting development of the country.

