No Probe in Solomons Prostitution

There are still no signs of authorities in Honiara investigating the alleged Asian organized prostitution ring while at the same time the number of Asian girls brought into the country as part of the prostitution racket has gone up.

It is believed that the number has gone up by four or five after more arrivals since the issue was last made publicly known.

However sources within the Police, Immigration, and Labour now have an interest in the issue and are following it up closely, although there is no official investigation into the issue.

Sources within the Immigration and Labour Department have told the National Express that while they would have any official investigation into the alleged racket, at this stage, they would not rule it out.

The sources informed National Express that it was not possible for them to detect anything connected to this possibility, based on documents provided to the Departments of Labour and Immigration, to bring in these girls from overseas because they may have appeared to be legally in order and complying with legal requirements.

The sources said that for this reason, the two departments had no basis to reject any such applications but they admitted that the alleged prostitution activities involving imported Chinese girls from Mainland China could be a possibility.

Meanwhile, the gambling premises used by some of the girls as pick up points for their "$3000 clients", mostly Malaysian loggers and crew of foreign going log ships, reported that the girls have stopped going there since the first story broke out in public last week.

Our sources have also informed the National Express that some of these girls have been using a particular premier hotel in Honiara at a rate of $2,500 per night while other sources put the rate at $3,000 an hour.

Meanwhile, our sources say that they have identified three residential houses believed to be used by the prostitution racket.

National Express was informed that one house was on the Tandai Highway, one in the Town Ground area, and the other in the Panatina area (this one being manned by security guards).

It is difficult to determine from reports gathered so far whether or not the three residential houses are used by the same alleged prostitution racket that import Chinese girls from Mainland China or different groups operating separately.

However, information received strongly suggests that there is no doubt the massage parlor located in one of the night clubs in Honiara is manned by these imported Chinese girls.

Sources in Port Moresby have been contacted on the possibility that there is a link between the group that have been bringing these Chinese girls and a similar group operating a prostitution racket in PNG.

The PNG newspaper "The National" quoted police investigators in Port Moresby as saying that they know at least three locations where the Port Moresby prostitution racket is operating but they cannot move against them because the racket has links with politicians and senior bureaucrats.

Senior officials in Honiara have told the National Express that they have no evidence that there are any politicians or senior bureaucrats in the country linked to this alleged Asian prostitution in Honiara.

Back in Honiara, SICA will be discussing the issue at its next executive meeting scheduled for this Sunday following a letter written to SICA by the Chinese Association copied to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the RPC (Mainland China) Embassy in Port Moresby.