With limited jobs available in the country and the increased unemployment rate in the country, earning money is quite a problem for some, while others it is vice versa.
But for Margaret Maetahi, "money is not hard to find because through hard work...you can have money even though you do not have a job".Ms. Maetahi, 30, who had suffered from skin disease for more than eight years, told Solomon Times that despite her illness, she makes ends meet by making table cloths, underskirt laces, weaving baskets plus making decoration for house walling.
"I thank God for giving me the talent that does not require me to get a formal job to make money," she said.
Asked if she took formal training, Ms. Maetahi shook her head and said she has a "special talent" that enables her to be creative.
"Everything is in your mind and once you love what you are doing, you will get better at it," she said, also adding that "the more you practice, you become perfect".
Ms. Maetahi stressed that money does not fall from trees but one has to sweat to make money.
She told Solomon Times that although she is sick, she still enjoys life because her talent has attracted a lot of people who admire her products.
In regards to her long term plans, Ms. Maetahi is planning to build a small business and call it the "Hand Craft Shop".