New Solomon Airlines International Schedules Offer Same Day Domestic Connectivity

Honiara, Solomon Islands – New Solomon Airlines flight schedules operational from 25 April 2016 have been structured to allow passengers departing on the carrier’s international services ex-Australia and the Solomon Islands same day through-connectivity to the national carrier’s extensive domestic network.

As part of the new scheduled timings, passengers flying on the airline’s Brisbane and Sydney to Honiara have ample time to connect with Solomon Airlines scheduled domestic services.

The same applies to passengers departing from domestic ports within the Solomon Islands who now can connect directly to Brisbane and Sydney services departing from Honiara with the exception of the Wednesday Honiara-Brisbane IE 700 service.

While Solomon Airlines’ domestic services does not link with the Wednesday service ex-Honiara to Brisbane which departs from Honiara at 0700, the return service ex-Brisbane departing at 1015 and arriving in Honiara at 1430 does allow for timely connection into all Solomon Airlines domestic ports.

The new schedules dovetail with the return of Solomon Airlines’ flagship Airbus A320, which will return to full service on 25 April following standard Airbus biannual maintenance in Singapore.

For the new schedule and further information, visit or telephone the following:

Solomon Airlines Australian Office - telephone toll free on 1300 894311 or + 61 3860 5883.

Solomon Islands Travel Centre Honiara – telephone + 677 20152.