People selling goods to visiting tourists will now be required to fill in a form available at the Solomon Islands National Museum.
Solomon Times was informed that the newly introduced "Application Form for Cruise Ships" comes as an effort to help sellers who are often all over the streets of Honiara when news of a visiting cruise ship circulates."We are trying to help make our sellers be professionals in their area by selling products in one spot and not just anywhere displayed on the grounds," Museum's Deputy Director, John Tahinao, explained.
He said with the absence of a focal point for sellers following the closure of the Art Gallery, the Museum felt responsible to address the issue.
"We will now provide Museum for sellers to display their products in one spot to make it easier on our visitors," he said.
Mr. Tahinao adds that the initiative is seen as a way of encouraging sellers to continue with the good work of producing arts and crafts for tourists during visits.
"We are talented in the arts and crafts area so we should provide an avenue for our sellers so that they are encouraged to continue with the service they are providing," he said.
Mr. Tahinao said the initiative will also help sellers see the importance of what they are producing and selling to the public.
The initiative comes as Museum works in collaboration with the Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau and other stakeholders to improve tourism in the country.