NCRA Listens and Acts: Philip

Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Hon. Danny Philip, has continued his assault on the Opposition, stating that his government is the first ever to stop appointing politicians to chair Boards of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE).

In a statement, Prime Minister Philip said his government did this in response to public outcry that politicians should not chair these entities.

He said it's the first government ever that has not only listened to the people but acted on their wishes.

Mr Philip said his government has done this in a transparent and accountable way, because it believes all business arms of government should be allowed to operate along commercial lines without political interference.

The Prime Minister made it clear that the course of action NCRA has taken "does not mean that as a regulator,it is not going to engage its due diligence on SOEs.

He said the government will continue to exercise its oversight role on all SOEs and act as critique to the organizations by appropriately signaling stagnant situations, bad and costly decisions, corrupt practices and mismanagement.

The comments follow calls from the Opposition for the Prime Minister to stop abusing his official position and stop interfering in the operations of state-owned enterprises.

This was in relations to a letter by the Prime Minister directing the Commodities Export Marketing Authority, CEMA Board, to issue a copra export license to a new foreign investor, M.H. Cash and Carry Supermarket.

But Prime Minister Philip dismissed Dr Sikua's concerns, saying he was happy that the CEMA Board knows better and gave M.H CASH AND CARRY SUPERMARKET LIMITED a licence to conduct business in Solomon Islands.