Natural Beauty in the Solomons

Natural beauty comes with no cost attached for most in the Solomons.

"We pride in the fact that we don't need cosmetic or surgery to enhance our beauty because it is just there," Mena Chanel said.

She said that this comes especially for women "because female abroad go out of their way to enhance their beauty."

This however is not the case for the Solomon Islands women, Ms. Chanel stated stressing that there is no need for make-up to cover the real beauty of the islanders.

"You will notice that most of our girls don't even bother with make-up and yet they look stunning," she said.

Ms. Chanel said that as a Solomon Islander, "it is a good pride for me seeing the natural beauty in our women".

She warned that cosmetics often contain "very dangerous chemicals that will only ruin your skin" posing long term side effects.

"There is nothing wrong with putting on some make-up to feel and look good but it is good for these Solomon Islands women to realise that they are beautiful just as they are," Ms. Chanel said.

Asked what happens when age comes with wrinkles, she said that it is "just another stage of God's beautiful creation."