National Women's Volleyball Squad Prepare for World Cup

The National Women's volleyball squad is shaping up for Round 1 of the Volleyball World Cup elimination in Wellington, in the Oceania open.

The team comprises of 10 players from across Solomon Islands, who have been training since September 2008.

Last week, as reported by the National Olympic Committee of Solomon Islands, the National Volleyball squads have been spending most their time at the National Gym going through basic drills and fitness trainings.

The final trimmed squad will now make preparations for camp soon. Reports from the Solomon Islands National Olympic Committee (NOCSI) say that the tentative plan is to have the team participate in the Women's World Cup Elimination in New Zealand, compete in the Brisbane open and finally join the Arafura games in Samoa.

Meanwhile, the Solomon Islands Volleyball Federation (SIVF) has made an appeal to the Solomon Islands Government for support in their preparation.

SIVF is also planning to apply for the Solidarity grant to assist in the regional tour.

