National Parliament Vision to Be Best in the Pacific: Sir Peter

"... we are moving in the direction of that vision": Sir Peter.Photo Supplied

The Speaker of the National Parliament, Sir Peter Kenilorea, said the vision of the National Parliament of Solomon Islands is to be the best Parliament in the Pacific.

The Deputy Speaker and Member of Parliament for North-East Choiseul, Hon. Clement Kengava, made the statement on behalf of the Speaker when he was presiding the final day of the 10th meeting last December.

According to National Parliament Hansard Report, Sir Peter said considering the amount of legislation, motions and other matters covered in the last Parliament Meeting, "it is my believe that we are moving in the direction of that vision."

"Indeed this indicates the dedication, commitment and time spent by Members of this House, to ensure appropriate legislations are developed and put in place for the benefit and positive development of our country."

Sir Peter said it further shows the strength and maturity of Members of Parliament in their roles as policy makers and legislators.

The executive and the Parliament can be confident that they have done their respective jobs well when reflecting on the size of the legislative program during [the last] meeting, which saw the passing of 18 bills that covers numbers of sectors in the country.

Sir Peter however pointed out on members' attendance that is said to be "very poor".

He highlighted on the need to improve the manner in which members attend the business of the House, "be at the right time, doing the right thing".

"We have been at the right place doing the right thing but not at the right time. So all Members of Parliament need to manage their time when it comes to Parliament business."

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