MPs Receive In-depth Training on the SDGs and Risk Development

Speaker of the National Parliament Honourable Ajilon Casper Nasiu, Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Hon. Manasseh Sogavare and UNDP Solomon Islands Country Director, Azusa Kubota among Members of Parliament and delegates to the training. Photo supplied

The National Parliament of Solomon Islands in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with funding support from the Government of New Zealand is hosting a two-day Seminar for Members of the 10th Parliament on the topic: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Risk Development.

In opening the Seminar, the Speaker of the National Parliament Honourable Ajilon Casper Nasiu reminded the Members of Parliament of the critical role they play as representatives of the people in driving forward people-centred development that is reflective of and responsive to the needs of all their constituents.

“I hope that at the end of the two days, you will be able to understand that almost all issues that are before the parliament for consideration, are related to the SDGs and therefore there is a need to ensure that SDGs is not seen as something that is abstract. Rather the issue of SDGs needs to be part of your day-to-day work as Members and as Staff in this Parliament” remarked the Honorable Speaker Nasiu.

Honourable Nasiu further emphasized that the Members can be effective catalyst in the implementation of the SDGs. With regards to Goal 13 (Climate Action), Nasiu expressed that the impacts of climate change are particularly pertinent in Solomon Islands, and as policy makers it is important that MPs are well informed on this topic.

The Seminar for Members is aimed at informing Members about (i) the SDGs, Climate Change, Disasters and its impact on the achievement of the SDGs (ii) international and regional efforts to address these issues and (iii) efforts underway in Solomon Islands to address these issues. Presenting to Members are a team of resource personnel from UNDP Offices based in Honiara and Suva, Fiji, from the Pacific Island Forum Secretariat and from selected Government Ministries[1].

Ms Azusa Kubota, UNDP Country Manager said, “Today’s Seminar has been organized in recognition of a central role played by the Parliaments in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, commonly referred to as the SDGs. This will include ensuring that development policies and plans are drawn up through participatory and inclusive processes, and with regular progress reports submitted to parliament for review.”

The Seminar for Members is part of UNDP’s support to strengthen the National Parliament’s capacities to engage with key development issues in Solomon Islands. The Seminar is funded by New Zealand Government’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade through its support to the UNDP Pacific Parliamentary Effectiveness Initiative Project.