Ministry of Culture and Tourism to Rebuild Anua Resort

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism is looking at rebuilding the once famous Anua Resort situated outside of the main land in east Guadalcanal.

It is believed that the resort is a viable income generator in the tourism industry.

Solomon Times was informed that the Ministry is looking into issues which may have been a barrier to running the resort.

It is hoped that negotiations will pave the way for the resort to re-open and be fully operational.

Senior Tourism Office for Choiseul, Western and Isabel Province, Jonathan Taisia, said that with the International Visitors Survey (IVS), "this will be a total help for the Ministry in taking up such direction in making all the operations more effective".

In other tourism development, Solomon Times was told that the Ministry's development plans for the provinces is nearly finished, with works complete for Central, Rennell-Bellona, Makira-Ulawa and Temotu provinces.

"We are now working on the other provinces," Mr. Taisia said, adding that all the plans are centered on the new policies of their leadership.