Meteorology to Obtain Weather Radar

The Meteorological Services Division in the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Meteorology is currently planning to obtain a weather radar to properly monitor weather pattern.

The Deputy Director, David Hiriasi said that they are working on a project that should be forwarded to the Ministry of Planning for approval and getting aid donors to assist them get weather radar.

Mr Hiriasi said that the idea for the Ministry to get weather radar has been a long time dream and plan for the division, but was unable to get the equipment due to the lack of funds.

He said that he had already discussed the issue with the Director of the National Disaster Management Office, NDMO, early this year, but he had not heard any further response from the Director.

Mr Hiriasi said that his division is working very hard to obtain the equipment and they hope that one day Solomon Islands will have the proper equipment to monitor the weather pattern.

"Once we have the proper equipment it will help us provide proper information to the public on the entire weather pattern and where and when necessary warnings would be given on a timely basis," said Mr Hiriasi.

He also said that the Meteorology Division also provides weather forecasts that enable airlines to draw up their flight schedules. But sometimes the Division's system is not 100% accurate they have to depend on overseas report to monitor the weather.

He said they do depend on help from other countries including the PNG Met Services to provide them with accurate information on weather.