Auki Police have arrested and charged a 41 year old man caught with live ammunitions rounds in his residence at Durukou village, West Kwaraea in Malaita Province.
A team of local police and PPF Advisors in Auki were investigating a rape incident and tracked down the suspect to a residence in the outskirts of Auki Town.The police media office says an eleven-member police team raided the suspected residence in the early hours of last Sunday and arrested the suspect.
During the raid, police officers discovered and seized firearm ammunitions at the residence.
The media office says the 41 year old man is being remanded at the Auki Correctional Centre and is expected to appear at the Auki magistrate's court on a later date.
He now faces one count of attempted rape in relation to an incident at his home village at Durukou earlier this year and one count of possessing fire arms or ammunitions without license.