Ma'asina Forum Wants Independence for Malaita

Ma'asina forum has called on the premier of Malaita Province to consider Political Autonomy as a way forward for the Province.

In a four page letter to Premier Richard Irosaea, the forum outlined reasons why they think going after full autonomy is the best possible option for Malaita Province.

Ma'asina Forum, a body claiming to represent Malaitan people, said recent political development in the country, both internally and externally, had prompted the Malaita Ma'asina Forum to make the request to Premier Irosaea's government.

"Sir, we fully understand that during the Premiers Conference held in Rennell and Bellona in 2007, all Premiers including you agreed to the idea of State Government, but you also indicated to the Malaita Ma'asina Forum that State Government is not Malaita's priority," the letter reads.

"This means therefore that Malaitans have different options in determining their own political future and we hereby make this first move to recommend to you what many ordinary Malaitans have been thinking about for many years and would like to see on Malaita."

The forum believes that the issue of State Government developed out of hatred towards Malaitans. "This idea was not born out of any good intent for this country, but out of hatred of many towards Malaita as a people and province."

The letter also outlines the benefits Malaita would gain by going autonomy. "...We will be having more control of ourselves with the freedom to choose our own development partners and not those who come with their biases and bullying tactics. Political autonomy will give us some leeway in controlling our own resources and make decisions that reflect our cultural considerations, interests and not the interests of outsiders which this current National Government is entertaining."