The Malaita Maasina Forum released its mini-survey findings on Saturday afternoon despite criticisms against its authencity and truthfulness by the deputy Prime Minister and MP for Central Kwara'ae Fred Fono.
General Secretary of the Forum, William Gua, says the release of the survey will indicate the general feeling of Malaitans in Honiara.Deputy Prime Minister, Fred Fono, earlier said the result "will not help Solomon Islands in these times of financial hardship and at a time when Solomon Islands should stick together."
Nevertheless, Mr Gua says the result must be released and it is up to the national and provincial members of Malaita to carry out what needs to be done.
He says the Forum is merely acting on what transpired from the 2004 Malaita Leaders summit that prompted Malaitans to opt for cessation. Mr Gua says some of the comments made by national leaders at that meeting resulted in the resolution.
He says the forum carried out the mini-survey because national and provincial leaders failed to follow up on the resolution.
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