Police "Operation Easter" has recorded a low rate of criminal activities during the Easter celebration in Honiara.
Acting Assistant Commissioner Operations Chief Superintendent Nathaniel Mosese said 87 incidents were reported."For the festive period this is a relatively low crime rate with 51 arrests over four days." he said. "I wish to thank the public for their positive support and assistance towards the Police Operation during the Easter break."
"The public contributed much to the low rate of criminal activities during the Easter break by reporting criminal offences a soon as they occurred. This information greatly helps the Police ability to respond," Mr. Mosese said.
"The RSIPF wants to acknowledge the publics positive response to the Police call for people to celebrate responsibly at Easter."
Mr. Mosese said Police who were attending church services reported that all faiths have record high attendances.
"The fact that so many people were attending church activities and spending time with family helped lower the number of incidents over the weekend," he said.
Mr. Mosese said major sporting activities including rugby were postponed due to heavy rain on Saturday. "Police had no problems at these major events including the Easter fun run, however there were some brawls in the Burns Creek area over the Easter break.
"The RSIPF officers were enthusiastic about Operation Easter and many were on special duties over the long weekend."
Mr. Mosese said that one of the biggest challenges for Police at Easter was the evacuation of 102 people on Saturday. Five people were rescued from White River, 14 from Koa-Hill and Tuvaruvu while 83 people, mainly woman and children, rescued from the Lunga river area.
"About 20 Police officers demonstrated bravery and courage to rescue these families. They had to swim across the river to tie up safety ropes and ferry these people across the water all night," he said.
The rescue of flooded communities around Honiara started early evening on Saturday and continued until Sunday morning. Evacuees were taken to Rove and cared for at Police facilities until they started returning home on Sunday.
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