Local Florist to Begin Export

A trial run to export various Solomon Islands local flowers to Brisbane, Australia for six weeks will begin in mid-April this year.

Local florist, Ms. Anne Maedia initiatied this following a 2009 conference hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Western Samoa and then a recent look and learn trip undertaken by her to Brisbane's local Floral market.

She hopes that the new initiative will ensure to expand business opportunities for women in the Solomon Islands.

She revealed that quarantine officers from both countries will be involved in the project and should this prove to be successful she hopes to expand the export to Darwin.

She also stated that it is too soon to see if she can make any profit but she is expects to gain alot from the trial.

"This is the first time we are doing such, but we have to do our experiment on these exports and learn from the failures and the success that we'll see during our trial of export."

Anne Maedia says she is now currently working with women in Honiara area and if the project is successful it may expand to the provinces.