Police request for a ban on the sale of alcohol during the Prime Minister's Election period has been approved by the responsible authorities.
A liquor sale and public consumption ban will be imposed tomorrow and will continue right through the Prime Minister's Election and subsequent announcement. The ban will also continue for an additional day after the announcement.The liquor ban will include all licensed premises including hotels, motels, restaurants and bottles shops. Police say that this must be strictly observed and any breaches of this order may result in prosecution.
The Public Liquor Consumption Ban will cover a kilometre radius from the Parliament house and any person found consuming liquor within the restricted zone will be arrested and charged.
Police say that the Public Liquor Consumption Ban also include liquor brought from outside into the restricted zone.
Police say that they will be very proactive and will have a "zero tolerance approach to any form of anti-social behaviour or disorder, and will ensure that the Prime Minister's Election occurs freely and without interference."