Leni Testifies in Court

The former Minister of Fisheries, Nollen Leni has told the magistrate court that he did not recall receiving any report from the member for Ngella, Mark Kemakeza, on how he used funds allocated for approved fisheries projects for his constituency.

Making his witness statement yesterday afternoon, Mr Leni said it was during his term as the Fisheries Minister in 2007 when his ministry implemented the rural fisheries project.

He said it was never discussed in cabinet meetings that MPs were responsible for the procurement of equipment such as boats, outboard motor engines and eskies for the projects.

Mr Leni said when he was the Fisheries minister, he recalled a Constantine from Central Province who complained to him of not receiving funds allocated for his project which was in the approved list.

He then told Mr Constantine that payment for his project has been raised and he has the legal avenue to pursue it if there is a case.

Mr Leni said that in the case where funds are allocated to MPs for disbursement, the retiring process acts as both an information paper to cabinet and for audit.

The hearing continues at 9 am today.