Running a fund is becoming popular practice in town as an alternative pick to earn extra income for the family.
Solomon Times gathered that a fund is extra money being put aside purposely for borrowing, and repayment will be made with a bonus which helps towards the growth of the fund system."I have been running a fund for almost 10 years and it has really helped ease the burden of meeting the needs and wants of our family," Mary Te'eagua told Solomon Times.
She said although unemployed, her fund system has provided money enough to help support her family.
With the high cost of living in the country, Mrs. Te'eagua is still able to support her employed husband through money earned in her fund.
"I have heard people complain that life is hard but I would like to encourage them to run a fund because running a fund and managing it properly will see good money coming to your hands," she said.
She said that for one who has never been employed in her life, "I am quite comfortable when it comes to money".
Mrs. Te'eagua said her fund is running smoothly because she calculates faithfully and makes sure it does not reach "break down" point.