Leadership Code Commission Fines Leaders

The Leadership Code Commission has fined more than 400 leaders for failing to give statements of their assets and financial interests to the Commission as required under the Leadership Code Act 1999.

Chairman of the Leadership Code Commission Emmanuel Kouhota says the Commission has imposed a penalty of 100 dollars each.

Mr Kouhota says in October and November last year, the Commission sent out more than 800 declaration forms for leaders to fill in and declare their assets and financial interests to the Commission.

But he says only about 400 leaders returned the forms to the Commission in time.

The law require leaders to make a declaration to the Commission every two years and whether they have anything to declare or not they are still required to make a declaration.

Mr Kouhota says the Commission is now sending out notices of penalty to the leaders concerned.

He warns those leaders who are penalized that they still need to make a declaration to the Commission otherwise they will be charged for misconduct in Office which carries a maximum penalty of five-thousand dollars fine.

Most of the leaders penalized are senior public officers.