Landowners Demand SBD$8 Million

The Chovohio Midstream Association in the Gold Ridge area is serving the St. Barbra Mining Company a two weeks’ notice to meet its compensation demand or access roads to and from the company mining site will be blocked.

Association spokesperson, Charles Pai says members of the association unanimously agreed on the decision at their meeting last Sunday.

Chovohio Midstream is made up of communities from Mamasa, Leivatu, Turarana and Tausoro, comprising of about 400 families.

He says St. Barbra Mining Company has until the end of this month to settle an SBD$8 million dollars compensation demand from the communities.

He claims the company's activities have damaged their environment and livelihood.

Mr Pai says it took three years for them to come to this decision, after repeated calls for responsible mining operations fell on deaf ears.

He says if the company refuses to respond positively to their letter, his association will protest by blocking the access road to and from the mining site After April 30.

Mr Pai says the company, government and police have been duly informed of the planned protest.