Lake Tengano Residents Say Lake Level Increasing

Residents of World Heritage site, Lake Tengano in East Rennell say the level of the lake is rising and is threatening their taro garden lands.

Rennell-Bellona Provincial member and owner of the Kiakoe lodge, Lence Tango said the water is increasing at an alarming rate.

Mr. Tango said they do not know what is causing the rise but it is certainly a big threat to taro which is their staple.

He added that the level of the lake at his lodge used to be two to three feet below his landing wharf but that's now covered.

Residents of closeby Niupani village also confirmed this to a National Disaster Management Office team in Rennell to conduct a community disaster management and disaster risk preparedness workshop at the Kiakoe lodge Wednesday to Friday this week.

Mr. Tango said the very fast rise of the lake level is the first and he's worried.

However, he asked the NDMO team to help in whatever way it can to assure people why this worrying trend is happening.

He revealed that in the past, rain water often caused such rises but during dry seasons the level subsided but such is not the case now.

It is not clear whether or not this worrying trend is linked to sea level rise.

However, Mr Tango said it is certainly a threat to this world heritage site.