Journalists Promote Tourism in Solomon Islands

The promotion of tourism in the country has been given a huge boost with ten Australian journalists, from various magazines, visiting the Solomon Islands to write about the various attractions.

The ten journalists will visit various provinces whilst in the Solomon Islands to capture the entirety of what the Solomon Islands has to offer.

General Manager of Sky World, Wilson Ne'e, said that the trip was facilitated by Sky World together with the national carrier, the Solomon Airlines.

"Their task is to identify areas in the provinces that have strong potential for tourism...they will then further promote it in Australia," said Mr. Ne'e. Mr Ne'e said that the ten writers are now currently in the Western Province and are schedule to return to Australia this Friday.

The government recently announced that tourism will be part of its long term strategic plan to diversify the countries economic base. With the logging industry predicted to slow down, as a result of decreased commercially valuable forests, the government is investing millions in the tourism sector.

Solomon Times was not able to get comments from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on their visit.