JICA Malaria Project Coming to Conclusion

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Project for Strengthening of Malaria Control is finishing its three-year term in mid December, 2009.

The Final Evaluation Team for the project completed the field study including a consultation meeting with stakeholders on the Final Evaluation Report.

Minutes of Meeting was signed by Dr. Lester Ross, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Health and Medical Services and Mr. Yojiro ISHII, the leader of Final Evaluation Team.

The project, collaboratively works with Vector Borne Disease Control Program (VBDCP), Ministry of Health, focus on malaria case management system, the information system, and community-based prevention activities.

Registered nurses, nurse aids, and microscopists have attended the training courses in basic epidemiology, data collection, and analysis.

By the end of October this year, a total of 200 nurses and 86 microscopists at all level of health services in Guadalcanal Province and Honiara City Council will have been trained.

Teaching materials for health workers have been created and are also used at School of Nursing at Solomon Islands College of Higher Education.

As a final training activity of the project, a seminar is scheduled to be held for the publication of "Strengthening Quality of Malaria Services in the Front Line Health Facilities" at Mendana Hotel on 13th November 2009.

The Community Based Malaria Prevention model was introduced in four communities. Health Committee Volunteers have been formed, and actively involved in awareness activities at grassroots level.

The work has been done with Solomon Islands Development Trust (SIDT) who has the knowledge and skills of community empowerment.

To conclude the project, a closing seminar and Joint Coordination Committee meeting will be held in late November.

The number of malaria cases is decreasing in Honiara City and Guadalcanal Province; still, it is necessary for the Government of Solomon Islands, donor agencies and communities to continue efforts for further reduction and elimination of malaria.

JICA is still seeking for further assistance for elimination of malaria in Solomon Islands.

Source: Press Release (Government Communications Unit)